Living with intent

To live with intent is to live with purpose. And who wouldn't like to live with the right intent?

I believe all of us have the right intentions behind all our actions. However, as one of my mentors told me once, "All the right intentions do not translate to right actions". This piece of wisdom from her, stayed with me.

Are we always able to translate our intentions to the actions in the exact manner?
Where do we get stuck?
And when will we know that though our intention might be good, we are unable to pass that intention to other people through our actions?
What do we do in such a moment of realization?

To me it all begins with our ability to be observe, question, and change our own thoughts. And I do believe we have an intuitive way to sense if something that we are doing is not right. While, it may manifest in so many ways for all of us (physical pain without a medical reason, psychological stress, difficulties in relationships, feeing helpless/never ending guilt/numb etc), many of us tend to overlook at it. Its as if, somewhere deep down, we know it. But we don't want to acknowledge it.

Hence, the question really is how many of us would be willing to pause, take a step back and give an honest feedback to ourselves, without defending self?

Feedback to ourselves on our intention of doing something. Feedback to ourselves if that intent is being taken in a different way by the receiver when we passed it. Feedback to ourselves, without overkilling us. And feedback to ourselves not from a victim space.

This is easily said than done. The reason being, we are afraid to see our ugly side. As it is. 

Irony here is, the more we try to overlook the ugly side of our internal world, the more it is visible to the external world. Sounds unfair. Doesn't it?

But, who said life is fair? 
Life is beautiful. Not fair.

To shift the unfair world to a beautiful world, are we ready to take charge of our inner world?

Are we ready to work with an intention to uplift people around us along with us?
Are we ready to work with an intention to stay away from politics and gossips and forgo the momentary pleasure? 
Are we ready to be mindful of the impact we are creating in ourselves and in other people all the time? 

And if the answer is no for any of the above questions, may be it's about time....

- To embrace your ugly inner world.
-  Allow yourself to see that world as it is instead of how you would like it to be. 
- Believe that you are capable of changing your inner world and it is safe for you to bring that change. 
- Allow yourself to go through that change. 

I wouldn't be surprised, if you are asking yourself, "why should I do this, when the other person doesn't have the intent to do this?" 

We could be willing to do this, irrespective of who is doing it or not doing it.

Because, we are our own miracles! 


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